Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stu the Soccer Ball’s Lament

I’m Stu, the school’s last soccer ball. The others got away.
They rolled right off the soccer field at 2 o’clock today.

They grew so sick of being kicked, they wanted to be free.
I tried my best to follow them ~ I hollered, “Wait for me!”

The wind was blowing fiercely and it took me for a ride.
I came quite close to catching up when, suddenly, it died.

I slowly rolled then came to rest, just like a sitting duck,
On Highway One and then got run right over by a truck!

The soccer coach was angry when she scraped me off the street.
Oh, how I wish I were a Nerf, just like my cousin Pete.

She tossed me in the trash can (I don’t like it here at all).
I sit here sulking sadly with the school’s last volleyball.

by donna lee murphy and carolyn lueders burica
Copyright 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

~ My Mom's Spaghetti ~

My mom makes disgusting spaghetti
with horseradish sauce and sardines.
She tops it with pickles and mustard,
bananas and barbecued beans.

She serves it for supper on Sunday.
On Monday we have it for lunch.
It's breakfast on Tuesdsay and Wednesday.
By Thursday, you guessed it, it's brunch.

I don't like to hurt my mom's feelings.
I said that i loved it. (I lied.)
I always gave mine to our doggy.
And that's why our poor doggy died.

So, next time you serve us spaghetti,
dear mother, don't make it like that.
Please serve it with red sauce and meatballs,
and that way it won't kill the cat.

by Kenn Nesbitt & Donna Lee Murphy
copyright 2006

Grandpa Pete & Me

Grandpa Pete & Me